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New Spectacle Freedom With Extra Precision and Safety
1. 5 Lakh+ Satisfied Patients.
2. Over 1 Lakh LASIK and Cataract Surgeries done.
3. Latest technology available.
4. Lenticule Extraction With Nenojoule Technology

CLEAR – The new Lenticule application by Ziemer
- C Corneal
- L Lenticule
- E Extraction for
- A Advanced
- R Refractive Correction
Best Safe CLEAR Surgery For Spectacle Removal
What is CLEAR?
CLEAR is a new refractive procedure for vision correction and it stands for Corneal Lenticule Extraction for Advanced Refractive correction. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that can correct nearsightedness with or without astigmatism. The FEMTO Z8 models use low laser energy and advanced scan patterns for a gentle treatment and a good patient experience.
Why Laser vision correction?
Eye conditions such as nearsightedness (Myopia) and astigmatism, so called refractive errors, are very common. For many people, not having to wear glasses or contact lenses makes many activities and even daily living much easier.
How does CLEAR work?
CLEAR is a minimally invasive, flapless and gentle procedure that redefines vision correction. The procedure is performed by a single laser: the Ziemer FEMTO Z8.
The procedure
The femtosecond laser cuts a small disc-shaped piece of tissue (Lenticule) within the cornea. The surgeon then extracts the Lenticule through a small incision in the surface of the cornea. The removal of the Lenticule causes the shape of the eye to change, which corrects your vision.
Lenticule Cornea Advantage
The upper layers of the cornea remain unaffected during the CLEAR procedure, therefore dry eye might be experienced less often.

Lenticule creation:
A small disc-shape piece of corneal tissue (Lenticule) and a small incision are created within the cornea. Lenticule extraction: The Lenticule is removed through the incision with minimal stress to the cornea.
Corrected vision: The removal of the Lenticule changes the shape of the cornea, correcting the refractive error.
What are the CLEAR Benefits?
Minimally invasive-CLEAR is a minimally invasive and gentle procedure which uses low laser energy to correct vision. This allows potentially for more corneal stability after surgery.
More patient comfort Unlike other laser eye surgeries, CLEAR is a single laser procedure. It’s fast and provides more comfort and convenience to you during your surgery.
Flapless procedure
CLEAR is a flapless, gentle procedure. The upper layers of the cornea are minimally disturbed. Nerves are less affected, which can reduce the incidence of dry eyes.
Next generation lenticule application:
Corneal Lenticule extraction (CLEAR) is considered as the next generation of lenticule applications. The correction is done by a single laser: the Ziemer FEMTO Z8 laser. Made in Switzerland.